Podcast on VR

The VR headset is changing the way gaming is done. VR is a device that allows you to pretty much be in the game. By putting on the headset, you see yourself in the game and everything you do seems realistic. It allows players to experience what it's like to be in a game. Some of the popular headsets that are out there today are the Oculus Rift and the PlayStation VR. There are a lot of interactive features. You move your whole body for some VR games. There are teachers that are currently trying to teach their students about the VR. They use it in a educational way, such as interacting with each other, activites, and learning how the VR works itself. If the student owns a VR headset, they could bring it to school and use their own. Teachers think it's important for students to know how technology works and what they can do for people. Teachers use this to give lessons. They can share videos with students and the students can go their own pace. They can also send them to a website and they can navigate and their own pace as well. This teaching style is good because if students take the VR home, they can see the same lecture that was shown that day. They are able to repeat it as many times as they want. Some lectures even take you to where you are studying. For example, if you are studying ShakesSpear it will take you to the United Kingdom and make your lecture come to life. These types of teaching are making students more engaged in what is being taught because the VR gives them a reason to pay attention and they enjoy it. It is also being used for presentations for companies, giving lectures, and other educational purposes. Even in the professional world the VR is being used. Companies think that it's much easier using the headset because you can be at home and all you have to do is put the headset on and you could do business at the comfort of your home. VR is changing how people interact with one another, it's changing how gaming is done, how jobs are using this to make their lives easier. People are still trying to find the full potential of the VR and keep using it for various activities. This is the new way of many activities.


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